
Documentation>Fixed Income Analysis>ESR Interest Rate Forecast


Let us denote by R(t,h) the interest rate observed at time t on the zero- coupon Treasury bond maturing at date t+h. In the analysis, V-lab selects a set of different maturities τ={0.5,1,2,3,5,7,10,20,30} years from the Gurkaynak, Sack and Wright (2006) database. Each element of τ is denoted by τi.

We first express the variables as forward rates, denoted by fi,t where:f1,t=R(t,τ1)fi,t=τiR(t,hi)-τi-1R(t,τi-1)τi-τi-1,i2To ensure the zero lower bound, we apply a log-linear transformation to the forward rates whenever they are below the threshold f¯: Yi,t = [ ( f ¯ - c ) log ( fi,t - c f ¯ - c ) + f ¯ ] { fi,t < f¯ } + { fi,t f¯ } fi,t (1) This particular transformation maps the forward rates that take values in + to without compressing too much volatilities when the forwards are high, and without increasing too much volatilities when the forwards become close to zero. In the application, we choose f¯=50bps and c=0 which is well-fitted to the positive interest rates observed on U.S. data.

Vlab's model is built in two pieces. We compute spreads of long-term transformed forwards against the shortest maturity that we denote by Zt and model the spreads and the short-rate separately.Zt=Y2:9,t-Y1,t


The Spreads Model

The dynamics of the transformed spreads are given by the following state-space model:Ft=AFt-1+ξtZt=μ+ϕFt+utV-lab's spreads model is inspired from the term structure literature which usually considers that three factors are sufficient to reproduce the bulk of fluctuations in the term structure (see e.g. Nelson and Siegel (1987) or Litterman and Scheinkman (1991)). The factors are computed using Nelson Siegel method, such that:Ft=(ϕ'ϕ)-1ϕ'(Zt-μ),whereϕi=[1,exp(-λτi),λτiexp(-λτi)]We assume that the measurement errors have a diagonal correlation structure, such thatut=diag(ρ)ut-1+ηt.Rearranging slightly, and denoting by Ht1/2εt=ηt+ϕξt, we obtain:Zt-diag(ρ)Zt-1=μ*+BFt-1+Ht1/2εtwhereHt=DtRtDtandεt𝒩(0,I)The system is a reduced-rank VAR whenever ρ=0. ρ has components constrained in (0,1) and is a set of quasi-differencing parameters. ρ is parameterized to control for residual autocorrelation that is not accounted for by the factor structure.

Dt is a diagonal matrix of variance processes which dynamics is given by GJR-GARCH processes: D i,t 2 = ωi + ( αi + γi { ε i,t-1 < 0 } ) ( D i,t-1 ε i,t-1 ) 2 + βi D i,t-1 2 . (2) The cross-correlation between the residuals is given by a DCC structure: { Qt = Ω¯ ( 1 - aQ - bQ ) + aQ εt-1 ε t-1 T + bQ Q t-1 Rt = [ diag ( Q t ) - 1 / 2 ] Q t [ d i a g ( Q t ) - 1 / 2 ] (3)

The Short-Rate Model

Let st be a stationary homogenous Markov chain with 3 states representing monetary policy regimes, upward (U), status-quo (S), and downward (D). The transformed short-rate dynamics are given by: Y 1 , t = { b ( U ) + Y 1 , t - 1 + σ t ζ t if s t = U b ( S ) + a ( S ) Y 1 , t - 1 + σ t ζ t if s t = S b ( D ) + Y 1 , t - 1 + σ t ζ t if s t = D whereb(U)>0,b(D)<0,b(S),|a(S)|<1,ζt𝒩(0,1).The variance of the previous equation σt2 is given by a standard GJR-GARCH(1,1).σt2=ω(σ)+(α(σ)+γ(σ){ζt-1<0})σt-12ζt-12+β(σ)σt-12.


The mean part of the spreads model is linear and is thus estimated by OLS. The dependent variable is Zt-diag(ρ)Zt-1 and the independent variable is given by Ft-1. We parameterize ρ in two steps. We calculate a first set of measurement errors by computing Zt-ϕFt, and fit univariate AR(1) models on each of these series. ρ is then set to be the vector gathering all these AR(1) coefficients. Therefore, for each component Zi,t, the following regression is then estimated:Zi,t-ρiZi,t-1=μi*+BiFt-1+ηi,t.The variance part is estimated in two steps. First, the conditional variance part Di,t2 is estimated by quasi maximum likelihood using the regression residuals ηi,t. Stationarity in the variance is easily imposed as αi+βi+γi/2<1. Second, we obtain the εt series as εt=Dt-1ηt. aQ, bQ, and Ω¯ are estimated by quasi maximum likelihood again.

For the short-rate model, we make the regimes observable using the Fed target rate. In particular, we assume that we are in an upward regime at time t if there was an increase in the target rate less than 3 months ago and that the next increase happens less than 3 months after the current date. We are in a downward regime at time t if there was a decrease in the target rate less than 6 months ago and that the next decrease happens less than 6 months after the current date. We assume we are in status quo regime otherwise. Given that the regimes are observable, we estimate the parameters as follows:

  • Transition and stationary probabilities of the Markov chain are estimated with their plug-in estimators using the observed regimes.
  • b(U)and b(D)are obtained regressing respectively ΔY1,t(U)and ΔY1,t(D)on a constant, where t(U)and t(D)are the dates where st=U and st=Drespectively.
  • For the status-quo regime, we parameterize b(S)so that the model-implied mean of Y1,tis equal to its in-sample estimate. b(S)is thus expressed as an analytical function of the other parameters and the data. We obtain a(S)by minimizing the squared residuals of the Y1,t(S)by NLS.

The GJR-GARCH parameters are then estimated with QMLE by gathering the 3 series of residuals.


Using the multivariate Gaussian assumption on the residuals, it is easy to simulate the model formulated above. The procedure writes, for one path, for each date t:

  • Simulate 9 Gaussian shocks (εt',ζt)',
  • Compute Ht using the DCC-GARCH equations, and multiply its Cholesky with εt
  • Compute the spreads conditional mean μ*+BFt-1+diag(ρ)Zt-1and add the simulated shocks Ht1/2εt to form the simulatedZt
  • Update Ft using the simulated value of Zt.
  • Compute the GARCH variance of the short-rate shocks and form the reduced-form residuals σtζt
  • Simulate the regime st using the transition matrix probabilities and the last regime value st-1
  • Compute the mean part of the short-rate, b(st)+a(st)Y1,t-1
  • Update the value of the short-rate Y1,t by adding the mean part and the shock,
  • Use the simulated short-rate to reconstruct the transformed forwards at other maturities: Y2:9,t=Zt+Y1,t
  • Transform Yt in the yield space:

f i , t = f ¯ exp ( Y i , t f ¯ - 1 ) { Y i , t < f ¯ } + f i , t { Y i , t > f ¯ } R ( t , τ i ) = { f i , t if i = 1 ( 1 - τ i - 1 τ i ) f i , t + τ i - 1 τ i R ( t , τ i - 1 ) , i 2 V-lab draws 1,000 paths of simulations with a five year length for each. For each simulation date, quantiles of interest rates are computed to derive the confidence bounds and the median forecasts for each maturity.


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Gurkaynak, Sack and Wright, The U.S. Treasury Yield Curve: 1961 to the Present, Journal of Monetary Economics 54(8), (2007) https://www.federalreserve.gov/Pubs/feds/2006/200628/200628pap.pdf

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